Ghadir Khumm
in the Qur'an, Hadith, History

Talhah b. al-Musarrif b. `Amr b. Ka`b, Abu Muhammad al-Yami (al-'Ayami) al-Hamadani (Sayyid al-Qurra')
(d. 112 AH/730 CE)

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by Talhah b. al-Musarrif b. `Amr b. Ka`b, Abu Muhammad al-Yami (al-'Ayami) al-Hamadani (Sayyid al-Qurra')
(d. 112 AH/730 CE)

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S269 Ibn Kathir, `Imad al-Din Isma`il b. `Umar b. Kathir b. Daw', al-Qarashi al-Dimashqi Reliability of this narrator Chains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
Al-Bidayah wa'l-Nihayah fi al-Ta'rikh  
Cairo: Matba`at al-Sa`adah (14 vols), 1932-  vol. 7, p. 348   
Linked to scanned page from Al-Bidayah wa'l-Nihayah fi al-Ta'rikh

S180 al-Tabarani, Sulayman b. Ahmad b. Ayyub, Abu al-Qasim al-Khami (al-Lakhami ?)
(d. 360 AH/971 CE)
Reliability of this narrator Chains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
O42 Ahmad b. Ibrahim b. `Abd Allah b. Kaysan al-Thaqafi al-Madini al-'Isbahani
(d. 0 AH/622 CE)
Reliability of this narrator Chains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
O41 Isma`il b. `Umar (`Amr), Abu al-Mundhir al-Wasiti (al-Bajali)
(d. 0 AH/622 CE)
Reliability of this narrator Chains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
S19 Mis`ar b. Kidam b. Zahir, Abu Salmah al-Hilali al-`Amiri al-Rawasi
(d. 153 AH/770 CE)
Reliability of this narrator Chains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
T37 Talhah b. al-Musarrif b. `Amr b. Ka`b, Abu Muhammad al-Yami (al-'Ayami) al-Hamadani (Sayyid al-Qurra')
(d. 112 AH/730 CE)
Reliability of this narrator Chains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
T60 `Umayrah b. Sa`d al-Hamadani al-Kufi
(d. 0 AH/622 CE)
Reliability of this narrator Chains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator
C49 Abu Sa`id al-Khudri, Sa`d b. Malik al-Ansari
(d. 74 AH/693 CE)
Reliability of this narrator Chains of narration (Isnad) with this narrator

وقال الطبراني ثنا احمد بن ابراهيم بن عبدالله بن كيسان المديني سنة تسعين ومائتين حدثنا اسماعيل بن عمرو البجلي ثنا مسعر عن طلحة ‏بن مصرف عن عميرة بن سعد قال شهدت عليا على المنبر يناشد اصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من سمع رسول الله يوم ‏غديرخم يقول ما قال فقام اثنا عشر رجلا منهم ابو هريرة وابو سعيد وانس بن مالك فشهدوا انهم سمعوا رسول الله يقول من كنت ‏مولاه فعلى مولاه اللهم وال من والاه وعاد من عاداه.‏

In the year 290, al-Tabarani quoted `Umayrah b. Sa`d, through Ahmad b. Ibrahim b. `Abd Allah b. Kaysan al-Madini, Isma`il b. `Amr al-Bajali, Mis`ar and Talhah b. al-Musarrif, as saying: I heard ‘Ali imploring, from above the pulpit, the Companions of the Prophet [s] to bear witness if they had heard the Prophet say what he said on the day of Ghadir Khumm. Twelve men stood up - among them were Abu Hurayra, Abu Sa’id and Anas bin Malik- and bore witness that they heard the Messenger of Allah [s] saying ‘To whoever I am his master, ‘Ali is a master. O Allah, befriend the one who befriends him and be at enmity with one who is at enmity with him’.

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