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37 Questions

Charity done for the sake of Allah, does not need people to pray for you or your family as Allah Knows you and your family and Grants reward of the charity to everyone who sincerely does good.

'Requesting people to pray for you or your family does not invalidate your charity, as far as your intention behind the charity was for the sake of Allah.


Every type of charity is good in any form which helps the good cause. It depends on the situation of the needy persons to decide the most effective form to help them. We have in the Hadeeths from the Prophet (SAWA) and Ahlul Bayt (AS) many teachings in giving charity e.g. 1. Giving the charity secretly is much better than giving it publicly unless you want to encourage others to give. 2. Keeping the respect and dignity of the person in need. 3. Best charity is the one which terminates the need of the needy خير الصدقة ما أغنت. 4

4. Giving from what like is much better from giving from what you don't like.5. Not to mention what you gave to any one and keeping it between you and Allah (SWT).


If your father is from the family tree of Bani Hashim, then you are a Sayyed and you can wear black turban and pay your Fitra to Sayyed poor persons.


Bismihi ta'ala

If you are not able to return the amount back, you give it to charity.

And Allah knows best